This year’s festival has branched out to include performances for adult audiences
By Daniel Ben-David
By Rabbi David Meyer
Something is very broken within our society when establishments designed to educate have become hotbeds of hatred
By Rebbetzin Lauren Levin
Camaraderie, soulful debate, knowledge and the embrace of a truly supportive network are on offer at the upcoming Ma’aleh programme
Habs Girls just miss out an annual knowledge fest
By Simon Rocker
Writer Gil Hovav highlights the importance of Hebrew language education at the PaJeS conference
By Maya Orbach
A new study found that Charedi men wear glasses at a much higher rate than the general population
By Tash Mosheim
As well as allowing people to look around rooms freely, the film features survivor testimony, pictures, and drone footage
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Dan Shechtman’s kindergarten science initiative is attracting global interest
By JC Reporter
No students opposed the motion to create the society, paving the way for its establishment
By Ben Bloch
Party in Netanyahu’s coalition government accuses organisations of secretly planning to infect Israel’s education system with liberal values
By David Rose
By Ilana Alford
The trip has truly enhanced my Jewish identity
Professor Mona Khoury-Kassabri is the first Arab-Israeli to serve in such a senior position at an Israeli institution
Schools must distinguish between education and advocacy
It's important to allow young people to disagree over Israel, says Robbie Gringras, author of new book Stories for the Sake of Argument
UJIA's growing menu of 18+ programmes is attracting a higher take-up
Avi Ganon visited JFS, JCoSS, and Hasmonean on a fact finding mission
By Felix Pope